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PR1107 Polychrome Jasper Freeform

PR1107 Polychrome Jasper Freeform


Here is an exceptional Poly Chrome Jasper Free Form. It has a fabulous mix of contrasting colors in a cool design. This highly polished and uniquely shaped specimen measures 5 7/8″ x  3 3/4″ x 7 1/2″ tall and weighs nearly 8 pounds. This lovely piece would dress up any home or would make an excellent gift.

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Jasper, or spotted stone, is an opaque, impure variety of Quartz that is usually red, yellow or brown in color.  Some Jaspers simultaneously exhibit several variants such as banding, flow patterns, dendrites or color variations.  This results in what appears to be scenes or images in a cut section of the Jasper.

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515 1st Street
Keystone, SD 57751

Order: 1-866-354-0894
Information: 605-666-4813

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