Wulfenite is a lead molybdate mineral named for an Austrian mineralogist. It is most often found as stubby, pryamidal or tabular crystals in a bright orange-red to yellow-orange color. It is found in many locations, associated with lead ores as a secondary mineral and often found with Cerussite, Smithsonite, Hemimorphite, Vanadinite, Mimetite and other minerals. Among the more notable locations for finding Wulfenite are Pennsylvania, Arizona and Mexico.
Mimetite is an Arsenic mineral often associated with Lead, Galena, Vanadinite, Wulfenite, Calcite and Arsenopyrite. It resembles Pyromorphite as it falls in the same series of minerals as Pyromorphite and Vanadinite. Mimetite is known as a collector’s specimen often creating botryoidal crusts on the the surface of the specimen. It is not used as a gemstone due to its softness.