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SP306 Sunstone/Moonstone

SP306 Sunstone/Moonstone


SP306: Sunstone/Moonstone. – Locality: India  Selection: Polished specimen.

Appearance: Wonderful mix of two great stones with lots of “shimmer” and captivating accents.

Approximate measurements: Diameter – 2 3/4″.

Availability: single specimen, exclusive. 

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Sunstone is a feldspar, which when viewed from certain directions exhibits a brilliant sparkly appearance; leading it to be considered a gemstone. It has been found in Southern Norway, and in some United States The name derives from sunstones believed to have been used for navigation in the Middle Ages.

Moonstone is a typical Potassium Aluminum Silicate with several commonalities with the Feldspar family. It’s name is derived from the visual effect or sheen that is caused by light reflecting internally and externally from the layer inclusions of different Feldspars. Moonstone is closely related to Sunstone, Labradorite and Sodalite.

Additional information

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 2.75 × 2.75 × 2.75 in

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515 1st Street
Keystone, SD 57751

Order: 1-866-354-0894
Information: 605-666-4813

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