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PR916 Colombianite Tektite

PR916 Colombianite Tektite


PR916: Colombianite Tektite . – Locality: Colombia  Selection: Rough specimen.

Appearance: This is a highly sought after Gem quality Colombianite Tektite with a unique shape. 

Approximate measurements: LxWxH – 1 3/8″ x 7/8″ x 7/8″.

Availability: single specimen, exclusive. 

In stock


Colombianite or Tektite is a sacred stone of the Colombian Indians from the Muisca tribes. Natives call this stone Piedra Rayo which means Stone of Lightning or Light Stone. It is used in spiritual rituals and is much rarer than Moldevite and Saffordite.

Tektite are gravel-sized bodies composed of black, green, brown or gray natural glass formed from terrestrial debris ejected during meteorite impacts.

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Keystone, SD 57751

Order: 1-866-354-0894
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